From single tooth extractions under IV sedation to impacted wisdom teeth or full mouth tooth extractions in preparation for dentures or a full mouth implant restoration, Dream Dental Sedation has you covered.
There are many reasons that a tooth may need to be removed. Tooth decay, disease, or trauma are all occurrences that will require a tooth be extracted to prevent further discomfort, pain, and infection. This tooth loss can lead to problems with your bite, jaw joints, and smile esthetics.
When teeth are past the point of repair, extracting all the remaining teeth is done so they can be replaced with a set of dental implants or dentures.
If you need the rest of your teeth removed and implants or dentures delivered, don’t let any provider convince you that removing your remaining teeth without IV sedation is comfortable on any level. Sleep through the entire surgery, feel nothing and remember nothing!
We make every effort to restore and maintain a patient's natural teeth. However, sometimes a tooth is beyond repair and must be extracted due to advanced tooth decay, gum disease, bone loss, facial trauma, fractured root, or teeth that become poorly positioned overtime.
Your dentist may assess that a tooth is beyond repair, and should be removed by a dental surgeon. We will work with your referring dentist to understand your specific need for a dental extraction. Our team of doctors walk you through each step of the procedure to ensure you always feel comfortable and secure. Additionally, we will make sure to inform you about possible alternatives to tooth extraction including options for replacing your missing tooth.
Read about our Watertown wisdom teeth removal service if you have impacted wisdom teeth that need to be removed.
Dental extractions are generally straightforward out-patient procedures in which the patient can remain awake, however, increased levels of sedation can be used at the patient’s request. We will always use local anesthetic to numb your tooth before beginning.
During the tooth removal procedure, you may feel pressure, which is normal. Some teeth may require sectioning when they are firmly fixed in the jaw or the root is curved. In this case, the doctor will simply section the tooth into smaller pieces to allow for complete removal. Depending on the procedure, full recovery can take anywhere from days to weeks.
We can complete a full mouth extraction in 60-70 minutes under IV sedation, and we can deliver the implants or dentures the day of the surgery!
The healing process begins by forming a stable blood clot. A clot forms best by biting down on gauze for 30 minute intervals, evaluating the gauze, and reapplying gauze to the site if some bleeding remains.
After the clot is had, it is important not to agitate or disturb the clot site. Suction through straws, drinking, smoking, sharp hard foods, and vigorous swishing often dislodge clots. To heal and reduce pain as best as possible, refrain from these activities for a week. Additionally, vigorous exercise for the first 48 hours should be avoided to keep a stable clot.
Take plenty of fluids and eat nutritious, soft, foods after the tooth extraction. Resume your normal dental hygiene after 24 hours everywhere but the surgical site—please do not attempt to clean the surgical site with anything other than a gentle cleansing of saline water.
Please use pain and antibiotic medications as directed. Feel free to call our office if the medication doesn’t seem to be relieving the pain significantly, if your pain gets worse four days or more after the extraction, or you appear to be having an allergic reaction.
© Dream Dental Sedation | 605.878.4746 | | 2702 8th Ave SE, Watertown, SD 57201
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Dream Dental Sedation provides comprehensive dental care including in-office dental surgery using IV sedation. Our dental surgeon aims to make every appointment comfortable, safe and affordable for Watertown wisdom teeth removal, dental implants and restorations, dentures and more.
Serving Castlewood, SD • Clark, SD • Hayti, SD • Lake Norden, SD • Watertown, SD • Webster, SD • Milbank, SD • Florence, SD
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